How To Travel And Not Derail Your Nutrition

Hey there, ladies! I get asked ALL THE TIME for tips and tricks on travel while honoring commitments you've made to yourself on living a healthy life, without unraveling the efforts you've made in the gym & kitchen.
Let's talk about traveling while watching your waistline. We all wanna go away and enjoy our trip without returning with an extra 8lbs on our waistlines.
Plus, ain't nobody happy about paying $19 for an airport salad or sandwich! With a little planning, you can save a ton of money, have better food options, and/or just not go hungry during your travels.
Today's blog will outline my top tips to staying healthy and feeling fly while you're out there globetrotting. It can be tough to keep up with good eating habits when you're on the move but don't worry, I've got some tricks up my sleeve to help you keep it tight.
Did you know that you can pack meals and bring food/snacks through TSA security for your airplane flights? And so, I do! Just have to make sure there aren't liquids.
1. Pack Food For The Whole Day
I love knowing that I'm not smashing my pristine food choices on day 1 of travel with crappy airport food. Flight delays, airport food options, last-minute plans… it happens. Being over prepared is wayyy much better than being mad and hungry!
Getting through security tips.
I keep all food stashed in the top of my carry-on bag so I can easily take it out if needed at security. If traveling abroad, check if there are food restrictions for airport security. If I have a super long day of travel, I will freeze my last 2 meals of the day and let them act as my icepack.
2. Plan Ahead
First off, do your homework before you head out and look at the local food options. Check out the local healthy grub spots that serve whole foods. It's also helpful to do a quick search for some healthy grocery store options for in-room snacks to save $. You'll be surprised how many joints are serving up killer salads, grilled veggies, and lean meats.If you are staying in a hotel, check if they have a mini-fridge or a kitchenette, so you can buy groceries and prepare your meals or at least know you can grab fresh produce from the grocery.
3. Packin' with Snacks
Don't forget to pack some "clutch" snacks in your bag. Low-sugar beef jerky, an apple, a can of chicken, salt-free nuts, baby carrots, and RX bars are great go-to options (if you don't want to cook and bring food) in case your flights get delayed..

4. Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is essential for maintaining a healthy body composition. It will also ensure that hunger and water cues stay separate.
Tip: bottled water is crazy expensive when purchasing from a hotel. Hotels that have a gym will 95% of the time have a water filtration cooler that's free! Take your refillable bottles there ;)
5. Eating Out
Now, when you're dining out, remember to keep it fresh and clean. Choose dishes that are centered around lean protein and loaded with veggies. Request your meals cooked plain, veggies steamed if possible, and ask for sauces or dressings on the side. Dressing and sauces can take a healthy meal to being one loaded in fats & sugar!
Skip the deep-fried madness and say "see ya!" to sugary sweets. UNLESS it's part of your plan and you're celebrating. If so, keep the entree and other items clean, every choice matters.
6. Be Mindful of Portions
And let's talk portion sizes, sis. When eating out, often the meals are bigger than Texas, so keep it in check. Don't be afraid to ask for a smaller size or split a dish with a friend. Protein should be the size of a deck of playing cards. Veggies should fit in the palm of your hand and carbs about half your palm.
7. Cook What You Can. [don't stab me…]
Okay, I know you're on vacay but hear me out… Use the Amenities if you have them. I realize that for us Mommas the last thing you wanna do on vacay is fire up the stove; however, If you're feeling adventurous and you've got a spot to cook, then you will ensure your meals follow your personal guidelines. You will save a ton of $$ and time on the meals that don't matter so much, ya know?!?
8. Keep it Moving!
I find it easier to hit my NEAT on vacay than at home; however, it's still worth a mention. Keep your body moving! Take a walking tour, rent a bike, find the hotel gym, or bust out some bodyweight moves in your hotel room. Whatever you do, don't let your trip slow your movement.
So there you have it, ladies. Some tips to help you stay lean and committed while you're living your best life on the go. Bon voyage, and stay healthy out there!
Here is a quick list with links of some of the exact items that always travel with me:
- Insulated Cooler Bag -
- Water Bottle - (Note: plastic for no breaks while traveling)
- Reusable Ziplock Bags -
- Pocket Utensil Set -
- RX bars -
- Low Sugar Jerkey -